<Homepage> House of Culture Tintinto

Art Space Collection

The works in the collection are arranged alphabetically by surname or artist name.
Works marked with * were collected and donated by Helga (1936) and Peter Schmidt-Löffler (1932-2021).
Works marked with
* are sold or not for sale.



Friedrich Ahlers-Hestermann (1883-1973)
Erinnerung an Salzburg (memory of Salzburg)
lithography, 1958, 51,5 x 40 cm *

Dan Asher (1947-2010)
world unstrung
from the series "A Hope Spring's Eternal"
etching, 1994, 35,8 x 26,5 cm *

Gustav Adolf Ast
linocut, 1954, 19,4 x 28,3 cm


Hansueli (Hani) Bäbler (1958-2011)
substances of plants behind glass, 70 x 52 cm

Stephan Balkenhol (1957)
woodcut, 2004, 76,5 x 56,3 cm *

Horst Bartnig (1936)
80 Intermissions
serigraph, 1991 70 x 49,5 cm *

Klaus Beck (1928)
photo work, 1994, 54 x 43,8 cm *

Baslilius Besler (1561-1629)
Corona Imperialis classe uplici
coloured copper engraving, 1613
Schirmer/Mosel Jubiläumsportfolio 1999, 45 x 34 cm *

Joseph Beuys (1921-86)
"If you don't want to think, you're out!"
poster, 1977 *

Anna (1937) & Bernhard (1937) Blume
He&She Monogamy
siilkscreen, 1985, 60,8 x 45,1 cm *

Anna (1937) & Bernhard (1937) Blume
duplex print, 1985, 64 x 43,2 cm *

Claus Böhmler (1939-2017)
Fitze Schina
K.P. Brehmer Gedächntnisheft, 1998
DIN A4 colour copies, 46 pages *

Hajo Bötel (1947)
Jungle Fever
silkscreen, 1971, 57 x 46 cm *

Hajo Bötel (1947)
silkscreen, 1972, 53,4 x 73,7 cm *

Bob Bonies (1937)
Square Room V
silkscreen, 1968, 60 x 59,5 cm *

Werner Büttner (1954)
Nachtleben (night life)
linocut, 1990, 66,5 x 62 cm *



Walter Dahn (1954)
Blatt und Spur (leaf and lead)
photography, 2002, 28 x 40 cm *

Heinz Diekmann (1925)
Month January: Berchtenlaufen
woodcut, 1957, 30,3 x 47 cm *

Rolf Diener (1906-88)
Pferde auf der Koppel (horses in the paddock)
etching, 1979, 39,4 x 26,6 cm *

Lutz Dille (1922-2008)
Die Umarmung (the embrace)
photography, Paris 1951, 42 x 30,5 cm *

Reinhard Drenkhahn (1926-59)
Thistle Flower
etching, 49,7 x 24, 5 cm
from the estate 1975 *

Marlene Dumas (1953)
A Long Silence
lithography on wove paper, 1989, 26 x 25 cm **

Harald Duwe (1926-84)
Am Kai (on the quay)
woodcut, 1955, 26,7 x 40,6 cm *


Franz Eggenschwiler (1930-2000)
Eckquartier in Europa
linolcut, 1990, 69 x 49 cm *

Paul Eliasberg (1907-83)
Moonlight over the Sea
etching, 1960, 19 x 24,9 cm *

Edgar Ende
Mondgeboren (moon born)
lithography, 1953, 39,5 x 30,4 cm *


Lyonel Feininger (1871-1956)
Gelbe Dorfkirche (yellow village church)
woodcut, 1931
second posthumous reprint from the original
wooden plate, 1978, 27,5 x 35,5 cm *

Hans Finsler (1891-1972)
Brücke (bridge)
photography, 1928, 24 x 30,4 cm
from the estate 2003 *

Günther Förg (1952-2013)
Palazzo della civita italiana - Rom 1942
photography, 1995, 59 x 43,3 *

Isha Fofana
acryl on canvas, 2009, 10 x 10 cm

Ulf Freyhoff
<snow crash>
A Presentation of selected NOISEWORKS
journal, 1998, A4, 27 pages *


Joshua Leander Gampp (1889-1959)
Flower Basket
woodcut, 1951, 21,2 x 13,7 cm *

Ludger Gerdes (1954)
silkscreen, 1988, 60 x 42cm *

Markus von Gosen (1913-2004)
woodcut, 1954, 22,3 x 31.5 cm *

Dan Graham (1942-2022)
Jersey City, New Jersey
photography, 1969, 49,5 x 55,5 cm
Edition Griffelkunst - Homes for America, 1989 *

Dan Graham (1942-2022)
Bayonne, New Jersey
photography, 1966, 49,5 x 55,5 cm
Edition Griffelkunst - Homes for America, 1989 *

Dan Graham (1942-2022)
Tract Houses Vancouver, Canada
photography, 1974, 49,5 x 55,5 cm
Edition Griffelkunst - Homes for America, 1989 *

Silke Grossmann (1951)
Sheet 1
photography, 1978/93, 30,4 x 40,2 cm *

Johannes Grützke (1937-2017)
"The artist is sleeping"
chalk lithograph with clay plate, 1997, 42 x 29,6 cm *

Herbert Grunwaldt (11928-2014)
Bornholm Kristallsö
colour etching, 1985, 37,5 x 49,5 cm *

Herbert Grunwaldt (11928-2014)
Breton Rocks
colour etching, 1975, 38 x 48 cm *

Herbert Grunwaldt (1928-2014)
Kreideküste (chalk coast) von Møn, Denmark
etching, 1973, 36 x 38 cm

Herbert Grunwaldt (11928-2014)
Büsum Crab Fishing Boats
etching, 1968, 39 x 53 cm *

Herbert Grunwaldt (11928-2014)
Shanty Lowlands
etching, 1968, 31,2 x 22,5 cm *

Guttorm Guttormansgaard (1938-2019)
Head, speaking
etching, 1973, 24,7 x 19,7 cm *


Richard Haizmann (1895-1963)
woodcut, ca 1952, 86 x 61 cm
print from the R.H. estate museum, Niebüll
griffelkunst Edition 1991 *

Wenzel Hablik (1881-1934)
A fresh Breeze, Helgoland
sheet 6 of the cycle "Sea"
etching, 1915, 47 x 59 cm
from the estate 1983 *

Karl Heinz Hansen-Bahia (1915-1978)
Bahianerin (Bahia woman)
wood cut, 1956, 16,4 x 12,6 cm *

Karl Heinz Hansen-Bahia (1915-1978)
Fischer (fisherman)
woodcut, ca 1956, 28,7 x 20,1 cm *

Atelier Hauert Reichmuth (1966 1964)
laser printing, 2016, 29,7 x 42 cm

Ivo Hauptmann (1886-1973)
Platanen am See (plane trees at the lake)
lithography, 1960, 52 x 67 cm *

Raoul Hausmann (1886-1971)
Look in the shaving mirror
photography, 1930/31, 39,3 x 29,3 cm
from the estate 1982 *

Raoul Hausmann (1886-1971)
Mechanical Head (The Spirit of our Time)
photography, ca 1919, 40,4 x 30,5 cm
from the estate 2002 **

Raoul Hausmann (1886-1971)
Les photographes
photography, 1957, 30 x 40 cm
from the estate 1990 *

Erwin Heerich (1922-2004)
Motiv I
silkscreen, 1973, 40 x 57,5 cm *

Joseph Hegenbarth (1884-1962)
Tigerdressur (tiger training), 1958
lithography, 1958, 27,6 x 36,1 cm *

Gerhard Hintschich (1924-86)
Auf der Flucht (on the run)
lithography, 1960, 34,8 x 48,7 cm *

Ed Hopf (1901-73)
Weidenweg (pasture path)
lithography, 1955, 29,7 x 49,8 cm *

Tom Hops (1906-76)
Breton Harbour
colour lithography, 1967, 36 x 48,7 cm *

Alfred Hrdlicka (1928-2008)
Portait Study
lithography, 1985, 57 x 76,2 *

Thomas Huber (1955)
Besucher (vistors)
colour lithography, 1992, 42 x 59,2 / 29 x 31,9 cm *

Johannes Hüppi (1965)
Am Handy I
aquatint, 2003, 26 x 45 cm *


Arthur Illies (1870-1952)
Jelängerjelieber (honeysuckle)
colour etching, 1896
from the estate 1970, 33,5 x 50 cm

John Isaacs (1968)
from „I am happy because everyone loves me“
photography, 2001, 61 x 50,7 cm *


Horst Janssen (1929-95)
Krabben (shrimps)
etching, 1977, 33,4 x 49 cm *

Horst Janssen (1929-95)
Harbour (Baumwall, Hamburg)
lithography, 1957, 49 x 64 cm *

Olav Christopher Jenssen (1954)
Untitled, from the series „Simultan“
etching, 1995, 65 x 71.1 cm *

John Jiří (1923-72)
Night Butterfly
etching, 1968, 23,8 x 27,6 cm *


Edmund Kesting (1892-1970)
Dore Hoyer
photomontage, ca 1937, 40,2 x 30,5
from the estate 1991 *

Risaburo Kimura (1924-2014)
City 97
silkscreen printing, 1974, 42,9 x 59 cm *

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (1880-1938)
Julius Hembus (1903-1983)
photography, ca. 1930, 30,5 x 24,0 cm
from the estate 2004 *

Peter Kleinschmidt (1923-2005)
Bucht mit Booten (bay with boats)
woodcut, 1959, 28,3 x 48,5 cm *

Carl-Heinz Kliemann (1924-2016)
Florence I
etching, 1961, 8,8 x 22,4 cm *

Karl Kluth (1898-1972)
Brücke (Bridge)
lithography, 1956, 63 x 49 cm *

Jan Knap (1949), Gruppe Normal (1979)
Christ- the eye that never sleeps
silkscreen, 1986, 53,3 x 39 cm *

Nick Knight (1958)
Cecropia Scheneriana
Natural History Museum London, photography,1997
Schirmer/Mosel Jubiläumsportfolio 1999, 45 x 34 cm *

Hans Kobitzsch (1906-?)
Heimweh (homesickness)
woodcut, 1948, 18 x 10 cm *

Oskar Kokoschka
lithography, 1962, 46 x 61 cm *

Hermann Kreidt (1906-unknown)
Technoid Atmospheric Theater
etching, 1966, 32 x 38 cm *

Dieter Kressel (1925-2015)
Café in Paris
woodcut, 1955, 33 x 40 cm *

Otto Kühl (1897-1984)
lithography, 1948, 20,9 x 29,7 cm *

Walter Julius Küpper (1905-1966)
Hut in the Heather
etching, 1947, 19,8 x 29,3 cm *

Klaus Kumrow (1959-2010)
Was macht Silber? I
lithography, 1999, 61 x 45,5 cm *


Gertrude Lerbs-Bernecker (1902-1968)
Easter Water
copperplate, 1947, 23,5 x 17,8 cm *

Peter Lindbergh (1944-2019)
Tatjana Patitz and Linda Spierrings
for Azzedine Alaïa, photography 1986
Schirmer/Mosel Jubiläumsportfolio 1999, 45 x 34 cm *

El Lissitzky (1890-1941)
Photo of his Son
photomontage, 1931, 30,4 x 40,4 cm
from the estate 1985 *

El Lissitzky (1890-1941)
photogram, 1924, 39,5 x 29,6 cm
from the estate 1985 *

Peter Loeding (1936-2013)
Das schwarze Tor (the black gate)
etching, 1964, 21,1 x 27,5 cm *

Dieter Lott (1940)
Bäume am Kanal (trees at the canal)
silkscreen, 1970, 70x50 cm *


Rene Magritte(1898-1967)
Le rendez-vous
photography, 1938
print from the estate 1984, 40,3 x 30,3 *

René Magritte (1898-1967)
The Holy Family, Georgette and René Magritte
Le Perreux-sur-Marne, photography, 1928
print from the estate 1984, 40,5 x 39,6 cm *

René Magritte (1898-1967)
The Dying of the Phantoms
Jacqueline Nonkels, photography, 1928
print from the estate 1985, 40,3 x 30,2 cm *

Robert Mapplethorpe (1946-89)
Portrait Isabella Rosselini
photography, 1988
Schirmer/Mosel Jubiläumsportfolio 1999, 45 x 34 cm *

Almir da Silva Mavignier
Paul Klee - Eastern Sweet, 1938
drafts for stamps for the 100th birthday of Paul Klee
offset print, 1979, 47,3 x 67,3 cm *

Almir da Silva Mavignier (1925-2018)
Paul Klee, Red Bridge, 1928
drafts for stamps for the 100th birthday of Paul Klee
offset print, 1979, 47,3 x 67,3 cm *

Almir da Silva Mavignier (1925-2018)
Paul Klee, Landscape with Yellow Birds, 1923
drafts for stamps for the 100th birthday of Paul Klee
offset print, 1979, 47,3 x 67,3 cm *

Almir da Silva Mavignier (1925-2018)
Paul Klee, Villa R, 1919
drafts for stamps for the 100th birthday of Paul Klee
offset print, 1979, 47,3 x 67,3 cm *

Almir da Silva Mavignier (1925-2018)
Day, of "Four Times of Day"
offset print, 1977, 84 x 60 cm *

Almir da Silva Mavignier (1925-2018)
Evening, of "Four Times of Day"
offset print, 1977, 84 x 60 cm *

Almir da Silva Mavignier (1925-2018)
Night, of "Four Times of Day"
offset print, 1977, 84 x 60 cm *

Almir da Silva Mavignier (1925-2018)
Morning, of "Four Times of Day"
offset print, 1977, 84 x 60 cm *

Ludwig Meidner (1884-1966)
Head of an Old Man (self portrait)
etching, 27 x 19 cm
from the estate 1984 *

Hans Meyboden (1901-65)
Kastanienallee (chestnut avenue)
etching, 1958, 20 x 31 cm *

Boris Mikhailov (1938)
Untitled, from the series “salt lake”
photography, 1986, 24x30.5 *

Lázló Moholy-Nagy (1895-1946)
photography, 1925, 29 x 39,2 cm
from the estate 1983 *

Lászlo Moholy-Nagy (1895-1946)
photography, ca. 1932, 40 x 30 cm
from the estate 1994 *

Lázlò Moholy-Nagy (1895-1946)
Untitled, La Sarraz
photography, 1928, 40 x 30 cm
Griffelkunst Edition 1994 *

Lázló Moholy-Nagy (1895-1946)
Untitled, La Sarraz
photography, 1928/30,
40 x 30 cm, from the estate 1994 *

Jean Baptiste Mondino
Veronica Webb for Azzedine Alaïa
photography, 1987
Schirmer/Mosel Jubiläumsportfolio 1999, 45 x 34 cm *

Pit Morell (1939)
Kniender Dampfpflüger (kneeling steam plowman)
etching, 1967, 24 x 19cm *

Thokozani Mthiyane (1969)
oil on canvas, 2014, 38 x 38 cm

Thokozani Mthiyane (1969)
oil on canvas, 2014, 22,8 x 17,7 cm

Kurt Mühlenhaupt (1921-2006)
Hühnervolk (chicken population)
colour etching, 1978, 54 x 38/29.3 x 20.5 cm *

Kathi Müller -B- (1953)
Geistesblüten (blossoms of spirit)
photography, 1988, 40 x 30,5cm *


Hanna Nagel (1907-1975)
Spanish boy with fish
lithography, 1956, 39,3 x 39,6 cm *

Hanna Nagel (1907-1975)
Young Couple
lithography, 1956, 39,3 x 29,7 cm *

Oskar Nerlinger (1893-1969)
Hand with cigarette
photogram, 1925-28, 29,8 x 23,4 cm
Griffelkunst dition 1993 *

Roland Neuer (1924-93)
Cows and Mountains
lithography, 1954, 49.8 x 63.5 cm *

Hunting and Gathering
acrylic on canvas, 2022, 31 x 61 cm


Hans Orlowski (1884-1967)
Haupt des Orpheus (head of Orpheus)
wood cut, 1954, 27,5 x 21,8 cm *

Karl August Orth (1902-93)
Olive Harvest I (Paestum)
lithography, 1957, 28,3 x 43 cm *

Karl August Ohrt (1902 - 93)
lithography, 1958, 25,3 x 18,7 cm *


Dimitrij Prigov (1940-2007)
Stadium V, from the series "Dynamic of the God",
screenprint, 1993, 79,2 x 61,7 cm *

Robert Pudlich (1905-1962)
Ibiza, ca 1920s
wood print on Japanese paper, 64,6 x 49,2 cm
from the estate 1986 *


Daniel Richter (1962)
The photographer
lithography, 2001, 59x42 cm *

Rudolf Riester (1904-99)
Place du Forum, Arles
etching, 1976, 35 x 37,5 *

Otto Rodewald (1891-1960)
lithography, 1955, 33,4 x 49,2 cm *

Alexander Rodtschenko (1892-1956)
W. Majakowski, W. Stepanowa, O. Beskin, L.Brik
photography, 1928, 16,9 x 23,5 cm *

Alexander Rodtschenko (1891-1956)
W. Stepanowa
photography, 1928, 30,1 x 23,9 cm
from the estate 1987 *

Gisela Röhn (1921-92)
Wenn aus der Ferne da wir geschieden sind.
Friedrich Hölderlin

(if from a distance since we are divorced)

etching, 1981, 33,7 x 38,3 cm *

Holger Runge (1925)
etching, 1977, 54 x 53 cm *

Otto Ruths (1923-2014 )
Head of a Girl
lithography, 1952, 64 x 48 cm *


August Sander (1876-1964)
Painter Otto Dix, Cologne
photography, 1928, 25 x 17 cm
from the estate 1987 *

Armin Sandig (1929-2015)
Without Words
etching, 1973, 30,8 x 42 cm *

Maren Sanneh (1958)
ballpen on inkjet print
part of “Avendre - Recycling” series, 29,7x21 cm
more works of Maren Sanneh

Christian Schaffner (1959)
Untitled, from the series „Africa 83“
pastel on paper, 2003, 21 x 29,7 cm

Christian Schaffner (1959)
Untitled, from the series „Africa 83“
pastel on paper, 2003, 21 x 29,7 cm

Christian Schaffner
Smile, part of „Africa 83“ series
pastel on paper, 2003, 60 x 40 cm

Konrad Schulz (1940-2001)
Huge hot tyre
serigraphy, 1970, 65 x 50 cm *

Sarah Schumann (1933 - 2019)
Alice and the Cat
offset printing, 1972, 65 x 50 cm *

Sarah Schumann (1933 - 2019)
Marilyn en face
offset print, 1981, 48 x 65 cm *

Norbert Schwontkowski (1949-2013)
Der kalte Blick der See (the cold gaze of the sea)
colour silk screen on wove paper, 2000, 70,5 x 49,5 cm *

Cindy Sherman (1954)
Untitled #114
photography,1982, 125,5 x 76,2 cm
Schirmer/Mosel Jubiläumsportfolio 1999, 45 x 34 cm *

Renée Sintenis (1888-1965)
Young Foal
etching, 1953, 20 x 17,2 cm *

Hyan-Sook Song (1951)
Abschied (farewell)
lithography, 1983, 42,5 x 47,4 cm *

Nancy Spero (1926-2009)
colour screen print, 1993, 30,5 x 20,4 cm *

Hans Sperschneider (1928-95)
Fisherman’s Hut
etching, 1961, 25 x 35 cm *

Hans Sperschneider (1928-95)
Evening on the Pacific
etching, 1957, 17,2 x 23,2 cm *

Hans-Hermann Steffens (1911-2004)
Motiv III
serigraphy, 1971, 25 x 32,4 cm *

Hans-Hermann Steffens (1911-2004)
Motiv IV
serigraphy, 1971, 25 x 32,4 cm *

Heinrich Stegemann (1888-1945)
Sonne Wolken (sun clouds)
woodcut, ca 1920, 50 x 64 cm
from the estate 1996 *

Heinrich Stegemann (1888-1945)
weiblicher Kopf mit erhobener Hand - Sternbild der Zillinge
(female head with raised hand - constellation of Gemini)
woodcut, 65 x 50 cm
from the estate 1996 *

Untitled, from the series „Napping Venus“
offset print, 1997, 42 x 59,4 *

Thomas Struth (1954)
Art Institute of Chicago I
photography, 1990, 174 x 206
Schirmer/Mosel Jubiläumsportfolio 1999, 45 x 34 cm *

Mirko Szewczuk (1919-1957)
Die eigene Meinung (Your Own Opinion)
lithography, 1947, 39,8 x 23,5 cm *


Hermann Teuber (1894-1985)
etching, 1955, 20 x 24 cm *

Rosemarie Trockel (*1952)
Für Freunde und Förderer (for friends and sponsors)
heliography, 2004, 56,5 x 49,5 cm *

Cy Twombly (1928-2011)
Drawing for manifesto of Plinio
pencil on paper, 1967, 48,5 x 65,8 cm
Schirmer/Mosel Jubiläumsportfolio 1999, 45 x 34 cm *


UMBO (1902-1980)
Heimkehr (homecoming)
photography, 1946, 30,5 x 23,9 cm
from the estate 1989 *


Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
Star of Bethlehem and Other Plants
sanguine and pen with ink, c.1508, 19,8 x 16 cm
Royal Library, Windsor Castle
Schirmer/Mosel Jubiläumsportfolio 1999, 45 x 34 cm *


Claus Wallner (1926-79)
An der spanischen Treppe (at the spanish steps)
lithography, 1962, 44,4 x 34,8 cm *

Franz Erhard Walther (1939)
Gleichzeitigkeitsstück, 1972 (simultaneity piece)
offset print, 1974, 64,5 x 48,5 cm *

Ludwig Wilding (1927-2010)
Überlagerung I. (interference I)
zincography on paper, 1967, 40 cm diameter *

A. Paul Weber (1893-1980)
Chess Player V
lithography, 1976, 62,7 x 49,6 cm *

WOLS (1913-1951)
Untiled (Doll with Robe)
photography, 1937, 38 x 28,7 cm
Griffelkunst edition 1996 *

WOLS (1913-1951)
Untiled Pavillion d'Elegance, Paris
photography, 1937, 38 x 28,7 cm
Griffelkunst edition 1995 *

WOLS (1913-1951)
Canaille sur la Palisade
Paris 1938, photography, 37,5 x 28,5 cm
Griffelkunst edition 1995 *


Rolf Zander (1934-2023)
Winterlager (winter camp)
etching, 1983, 49,7 x 44 cm *

Magnus Zeller (1888-1972)
Reiter im Gewitter (riders in the thunderstorm)
lithography, 1936, 47,7 x 60,5 cm *

Heinrich Zille (1858-1929)
Rückenansicht (rear view), August 1901
photography, 30,4 x 24,1 cm
from the estate Berlinische Galerie 1999 *

Heinrich Zille (1858-1929)
Bullenwinkel (cop corner)
Waisenstrasse 18, Berlin August 1901
photography, 30,4 x 24,1 cm
from the estate 1997 *